As much of our staying connected moves online here are some ways you can keep in touch with others and engage with online church activities. If you would like any advice about any of these please email [email protected]
Whatsapp Group Chat
Whatsapp is an app you can download on your smartphone or tablet. It’s a great way for several different people to all message each other at the same time. Plus you can set up different groups, so for example you could set up a family group chat, a neighbourhood chat or your gym buddies chat!
To download whatsapp you can click on this link for android phones and this link for iphones.
To set up a whatsapp group please follow these steps or watch the video below.
- Go to the CHATS tab in WhatsApp.
- Tap the three dots on the top right > New group.
- Alternatively, tap New chat > New group.
- Search for or select contacts to add to the group. Then tap the green arrow.
- Enter a group subject. This will be the name of the group that all participants will see.
- Tap the green check mark when you’re finished.
Facebook Messenger Video Chat
Many people are already on Facebook and use the Facebook messenger app to message people, however a great feature you might not have used before is video chat. Video chat allows up to 50 people to chat to one another in a video call. This could be a great way for you to chat with a smaller group of people such as your church small group, a couple of friends you would normally meet for coffee or your usual book club.
To download Facebook Messenger you can click on this link for android phones and this link for iphones.
To video chat on Facebook Messenger follow these steps or watch the video below.
- Tap the pen on paper symbol at the top right of the app
- Add in the name or names of those you want to chat to. You can keep selecting up to 50 of your facebook friends. Select done when everyone is added.
- To video chat with the group tap the film camera on the top right of the screen
Using Zoom For Church Events
Zoom is an online video conferencing tool that we will be making use of over the coming weeks. It allows lots of people to have a video call or meeting together and we will be hosting some Church events using Zoom. To access a Zoom meeting you will need the address of the meeting – like a website address – we will post them in the event details or email them to you depending on the event. The first time you use Zoom you’ll need to sign up and download the app, but once you’ve done it once it’s very easy.
Follow these steps the first time you use Zoom or use the video below
- Click on the zoom link you’ve been given
- If connecting using a phone you’ll be asked to download the app, if you’re on a computer you’ll also need to download a small application. On the computer follow the prompts your computer gives you – for example you may need to save a file.
- You’ll then be asked to enter your display name
- You will then be able to join the meeting