Our church is a charity. That means the only income we get is what individuals choose to give. If they pay tax, we can also reclaim gift aid on this giving.
If you’d like to give to the charitable work of Sandon Road Baptist Church, our bank details are below:
Bank: HSBC
Bank Account Name: Sandon Road Baptist Church
Account No: 70724602
Sort Code: 40-43-03
If you are a UK tax payer and would like to receive a gift aid form, please email [email protected]
or you can see view and print the gift aid form here
Alternatively, we have a Donations Box at church for cash/cheque gifts.
Many thanks if you are considering giving to the church.
What do Christians believe about giving?
As Christians, we believe that giving is a really important part of our worship – literally a sacrifice we make for God.
In the Old Testament God told people to give a ‘tithe’ (that means a tenth or 10%) of what they received back to God.
In the New Testament, we take the principle of giving from 2 Corinthians 9:7…
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”