Vision & Values


The vision of Beacon Church is to reach people for Jesus (helping them know him for the first time), grow disciples (helping people get to know Jesus better) and catalysing churches.
The key way we reach and disciple people is in congregations. These congregations are gatherings of people who are trying to reach people either in a specific geographical location or a specific people group. Their gatherings often look like any other church service, but we aim for every congregation to know who it is reaching and discipling and to equip them as much as we possibly can to do that.
Our congregations tend to be small in size and we try to never let them have more than 100 adults in them. Why? Because smaller church’s are more likely to grow and reach people through relationships, they are small enough for everyone to get involved and small enough to feel cared for. What happens when they hit the 100 max? We plant another congregation!
The catalysing churches part of the vision is in part through our involvement in the Baptist network of Firestarter events.


At Beacon Church we have four values Loving People, Spirit Dependent, Bible Saturated and Courageous in Mission. In this short video below Pastor Alex explains more about what these values mean to us…
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